Enrolling in education and going to college after serving in the military can be a rather daunting transition for many veterans. From being surrounded by people in the military to suddenly socializing with people who are often a good few years younger and have never served in the military before can often be a bit of a culture shock. Some ex-military students think that they won’t be able to deal with going to class and taking tests, however this isn’t true – in fact, veterans tend to excel at education as their military training has made them better able to deal with pressure and stress. If you’re a veteran who’s looking to embark on a college degree or other educational course, we’ve got some great tips for you.
Prepare for the Transition
Assuming control of your college path can be quite a task when you are used to sticking to a strict regime and having everything scheduled for you. When you come to college, you’ll need to register for classes, and there won’t always be somebody in a higher rank than you telling you where you need to be that day. After years of learning through hands-on training and stimulation, being in charge of your college schedule can be a difficult transition to make, but it’s not an impossible one.
Be Open-Minded
When you begin at college, you’ll hear a lot of differing opinions and views. After years serving in the military it can be easy to become a little stand-offish and disagree with other opinions and views especially those regarding the military. However, keeping to yourself and not being open to other ideas can go against you. You don’t have to change any of your own views or opinions, but learning and hearing about those of others can definitely help you to evolve and develop in your education.
Seek Out Other Veterans
There are many veterans who enroll in college, so you definitely won’t be the only one there. Going to a college which has a specialized program for veterans or even enrolling in military friendly online colleges are great ways for veterans to realize that they’re not alone in the challenges that they face. Whether you’re learning at a traditional, physical educational institution or have decided to complete your learning online, getting in touch with and speaking to other ex-service people in a similar situation can help.
Take Some Traditional Classes
Although enrolling in an online degree program can often be the best choice especially as they tend to be cheaper and a lot more flexible, it’s a good idea to take some traditional classes if possible. This enables you to not only meet more students in person, but it gets you back into learning and gives you a base for support. Even if you take one evening class per week on top of your online studies, it’s highly recommended for veterans looking to get back into education.
Are you a veteran who’s at college or taking classes? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.