The financial industry has imbibed a negative reputation, over the years. This is a big reason for it being easy to shrug off professional financial advisors simply because they are assumed to only lure the client’s money into their pockets. Nonetheless there are many who actually do rely upon certified financial advisors pertaining to a variety of reasons instead of just handling it all by themselves. Financial advisors are those experts who help their clients to achieve financial freedom.
A note on Michael Briese:
Michael Briese works for J.P Morgan Chase Bank (a New York based company) as a Financial Advisor but holds a dual license for a broker as well as a financial advisor. You can have a detailed look at his professional file at LinkedIn and Facebook. He has detailed experience as a financial, especially investment advisor for over a decade now.
A Few lesser known benefits of getting expert financial advice in return of a fee are as follows:
Critical of investments that you own
It is most natural that you are going to be guarded in venturing into investments that are recommended by these advisors with respect to the present conflict within the financial industry. However, such circumstances will always help you learn to be more critical of your own investments rather than blindly relying on the advisor which will ultimately contribute in smarter investment decisions.
Keep a second opinion handy
Investing is a difficult affair. Many tend to fall into the mud of financial errors as they go into investment ventures on their own without any kind of prior education or training. Thus, it is always good to keep an expert advice at hand that you can immediately refer to get a second opinion and a quick assessment on your investment choice.
Success Story’s always inspire & motivates
Saving discipline and investment thoughts can be sharpened best when you learn from the noticeable success stories of specific big names in investment. You cannot lay hands on such stories anywhere and everywhere. It is definitely not that easy to acquire. Financial Advisors on the other hand are a tremendously useful source when it comes down to these success stories. These stories come down from their years and years of experience with different clients. When saving becomes a tough job every month, having a financial advisor by your side helps as you can always turn to them for real-time stories believes Michael Briese (with identical backgrounds) that will keep you going.
It’ll keep you disciplined and on-track
It is easy to go off-track when no one’s around. Having an expert around will help you maintain focus & disciplined as someone will always be around to keep an eye on your goals and plans. You cannot even for once skip to deposit in your investment account.
Wider exposure to the investment types
Chances are that you may have never heard of certain twisted and complex financial products before your financial advisor introduces you to them. Now, it’s complete your decision whether you’d want to invest on these products. But, will you surely learn more.