Norms Conference

The Benefits Of Renting An Office In London City

The City of London is the heart of the UK’s business district and the soul of the country’s economic activity. So it’s little wonder that many businesses want to be based in this highly prestigious location.

I’m a business owner who recently moved to London. Although it came with a higher price tag than many other regions of the capital, I decided that the City would be the most beneficial to our business. If you have the opportunity to move your company to the City, I would highly recommend that you do so. It provides a huge number of benefits, including some of the below:

The location is Unbeatable

As far as a working location in London and even the UK goes, the City is one of the best you can find. Based close to all of the action that the capital has to offer, it also has a number of world-class commuter links, a range of quality bars and restaurants, and some of the biggest opportunities for networking with like-minded business people and potential clients you can find. You’ll often find that people want to come and visit you purely because of your location.

Renting allows Easier Growth

Purchasing an office is expensive, and in the City of London this is especially so, with an absolute premium price tag coming with owning a piece of this highly prestigious area. So if you are unsure about your future plans, or think you will need more space as your company and its savings pot grows, why not consider renting? There are a fantastic range of City offices to let, which allows you to start small and take on more space as you get more business and employees on board. Buying means you are tied in to having a set amount of space, while with a rented property you’re able to move as freely as you like – you may even find more offices in the same building for you to use.

Serviced Offices may be most Flexible

Something which you may not have considered is renting a serviced office. If you want an established space with a highly professional team of office managers already in place, this could be the option for you. Included in the price you pay would be the desks, chairs, phones, internet connectivity, kitchen and reception service; all of which would instantly make your business feel professional to your employees and clients. And the great thing about a serviced office is the flexibility – you can generally cancel at short notice, or ask to move to an alternative location owned by the property owners if you need more space.

Similar Businesses and Networking Opportunities

Many areas of London have their own ‘niches’, where types of the same business almost seem to congregate. It’s no surprise that the City is made up of financial institutions and companies, as well as some well-respected legal firms. If your business falls into one of these sectors, you will have a fantastic chance to network with professionals in your industry to your heart’s content.

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